DISCOVERY:  Material: Europe, History, Ukrainian culture. Unknown facts, unique discoveries, exclusive and unique history.
A unique Ukrainian discovery
Unique postage stamp
Unique biography of discovery
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The discoverer
Yevhen Hryshchenko

Unique stamp.
It is beyond compare!

The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector. The Unicus-2010 collection. Unique postage stamp > Ackermann unicum ( Ukrainian Uniqa). Rarest postage stamp. A unique Ukrainian discovery 2010. Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered.
 Material: Europe, History, Ukrainian culture. A unique Ukrainian discovery, unique postage stamp, unique biography of discovery. Unknown facts, unique discoveries, exclusive and unique history.
...The unknown specimen of this semi-postal stamp was discovered and cataloged in Ukraine, in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, a century later, in 2010. The series has imperfection in printing of the main element of postage stamp, its name, and unique purpose (famine relief)!...

 The first official postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko was discovered as a specimen yet unknown in Ukraine a century after its issue, in 2010! It is beyond compare!
The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher writer and collector the Unicus 2010 collection unique postage stamp Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered Первооткрыватель Евгений Грищенко исследователь публицист Коллекция Unicus 2010 Уникальные почтовые марки Першовідкривач Євген Грищенко дослідник публіцист Колекція Unicus 2010 Унікальні поштові марки
 It is a specimen of semi-postal stamp, printed in Germany for Ukraine in 1922-23. It is a stamp of state and national significance. This stamp is one of the first Ukrainian stamps. It was recognized a philatelic rarity at the level of the world community in the same 20th century, in the same 1923, two weeks after its appearance in Ukraine, beginning of circulation, and... cancellation of its use in Ukraine!
In 1922, at the international philatelic exhibition in Berlin, an agreement was reached with the German Government Printing Office concerning printing a series of semi-postal stamps for Ukraine.
  The unknown specimen of this semi-postal stamp was discovered and cataloged in Ukraine, in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, a century later, in 2010. The series has imperfection in printing of the main element of postage stamp, its name, and unique purpose (famine relief)! The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector.
The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher writer and collector the Unicus 2010 collection unique postage stamp Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered Первооткрыватель Евгений Грищенко исследователь публицист Коллекция Unicus 2010 Уникальные почтовые марки Першовідкривач Євген Грищенко дослідник публіцист Колекція Unicus 2010 Унікальні поштові марки
  This Berlin rarity was given several names: "Akkerman Unicum" and "Ukrainian Uniqa".
  In the same 2010, the discovery of this remarkable semi-postal stamp was marked as unique by the president of the Philatelist Union of Ukraine, Valery Cherednichenko.
 The first and the last general and detailed data on the Berlin semi-postal issue for Ukraine were widely broadcast and published in 1923-24 by the leading specialized periodicals of France and Soviet Russia. And only in 2010, there appeared newly discovered and updated information about the first Ukrainian postage stamps in Ukraine.
A unique Ukrainian discovery. Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. Unique postage stamp. Ackermann unicum (Ukrainian Uniqa). The full name of the unique object is “the postage and charity stamp to the benefit of the people starving from crop failure in Ukraine”. This postage stamp, as well as the series issued, has already been considered a philatelic rarity with 1923. The stamp was discovered in Ukraine in 2010. The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector (Ua>Eng). Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. The Unicus-2010 collection. Unique postage stamps. Rarest postage stamps. . Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered.   Уникальное открытие в Украине. Открыта уникальная почтовая марка с изображением Т. Шевченко 2010 год. Исследователь из Белгорода-Днестровского открыл раритетную марку Украины. Уникальная почтовая марка Украины, Аккерманский Уникум ( Украинская Уника). Почтово- благотворительная марка Украины 1923 года ПОМОЩЬ ГОЛОДАЮЩИМ. ПомГол. Филателистическая редкость с 1923 года. Первые марки Украины. Открытие 2010 года. Первооткрыватель Евгений Грищенко исследователь публицист. Коллекция Unicus-2010. Уникальные почтовые марки. Уникальные предметы коллекционирования. Редчайшие почтовые марки.   Унікальне відкриття в Україні. Відкрито унікальну поштову марку із зображенням Т. Шевченка 2010 рік. Дослідник із Білгорода-Дністровського відкрив раритетну марку України. Унікальна поштова марка. Аккерманський Унікум (Українська Уніка). Поштово- благодійна марка України 1923 года допомога голодуючим. ПомГол. Філателістична рідкість з 1923 року. Перші марки України. Відкриття 2010 року. Першовідкривач Євген Грищенко дослідник публіцист. Колекція Unicus-2010. Унікальні поштові марки. Унікальні предмети колекціонування. Рідкісні поштові марки.

  "Akkerman Unicum" ("Ukrainian Unica") entered the history of discovery of 2010 with two philatelic identification attributes: imperfection in printing and confirmation of imprint.
 It is a unique specimen, one of a kind, which used to be unknown, but was first discovered and first cataloged in 2010. This specimen of the Ukrainian semi-postal stamp, recognized a philatelic rarity along with the series, which had been issued during the twentieth century since the year of 1923, for the reason of its ultrashort circulation, was published in Berlin (Germany). Besides, it is one of the first stamps in Ukraine, being a part of the last independent Ukrainian  issue until 1992.
 Exclusive and unique character of the discovery is also confirmed by the fact that the most famous stamps of the world, such as "British Guiana" or "Blue Mauritius",  have the same main identification attributes as "Ukrainian Uniqa". They include printing outside the country of issue, curious mistakes in wording and application of stamps, and their being a part of the first issue of their states. However, "Akkerman Uniqum" ("Ukrainian Uniqa") does not only have, but exceeds these characteristics. This specimen of semi-postal stamp, as well as the whole series, was recognized a philatelic rarity a century ago, though discovered in our time!

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 The-discoverer-Yevhen-Hryshchenko-a-researcher-writer-and-collector-the-Unicus-2010-collection-unique-postage-stamp-Rare-Shevchenko-stamp-discovered. Первооткрыватель-Евгений-Грищенко-исследователь-публицист-Коллекция-Unicus-2010-Уникальные-почтовые-марки Першовідкривач-Євген-Грищенко-дослідник-публіцист-Колекція-Unicus-2010-Унікальні-поштові-марки The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher writer and collector the Unicus 2010 collection unique postage stamp Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered Первооткрыватель Евгений Грищенко исследователь публицист Коллекция Unicus 2010 Уникальные почтовые марки Першовідкривач Євген Грищенко дослідник публіцист Колекція Unicus 2010 Унікальні поштові марки

The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector. The Unicus-2010 collection. Unique postage stamp > Ackermann unicum ( Ukrainian Uniqa). Rarest postage stamp. A unique Ukrainian discovery 2010. Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered.

The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector. The Unicus-2010 collection. Unique postage stamp > Ackermann unicum ( Ukrainian Uniqa). Rarest postage stamp. A unique Ukrainian discovery 2010. Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. Rare Shevchenko stamp discovered.
A unique Ukrainian discovery. Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. Unique postage stamp. Akkerman unicum (Ukrainian Uniqa). The full name of the unique object is “the postage and charity stamp to the benefit of the people starving from crop failure in Ukraine”. This postage stamp, as well as the series issued, has already been considered a philatelic rarity with 1923. The stamp was discovered in Ukraine in 2010. The discoverer Yevhen Hryshchenko a researcher, writer and collector (Ua>Eng), Rare postage stamp depicting Taras Shevchenko discovered. The Unicus-2010 collection. Unique postage stamps. Rarest postage stamps. Discovered by Yevhen Hryshchenko, a researcher, writer and collector from Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky in Odesa.

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